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'Signs' video has performance shots in midtown, Baltimore,...

Saturday, January 3, 2015 by leo
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'Signs' video has performance shots in midtown, Baltimore, Maryland. In addition, there's archival footage of the trailblazers of African American movements before and during the civil rights, they are shown because we wanted to capture those individuals that saw the 'signs' early and made the sacrifices for us to have privileges as a people before it existed. Those Signs hinted at 40plus years later in today's media, which looks completely identical to the Civil Rights movement.

Album Download link below -

Jack Johnson

James Brown

Moms Mabley

Eartha Kitt


Diane Nash

Rosa Parks

Dick Gregory

Stokely Carmichael aka Kwame Ture

Honorable Elijah Muhammad

Muhammad Ali

Minister Louis Farrakhan

Huey P. Newton

Muddy Waters

Little Richard

Fannie Lou Hamer

Ruby Dee

Amos & Andy

Bobby Seale

Malcolm X

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